Through my creative practice I enjoy ongoing research towards the meaning of spontaneous lines, the correlation between emotion, pressure, speed, curves and angles. The universal cyclical duality, chaos vs order, destruction vs construction, chance vs choice, the principles of Yin&Yang are a fascination influencing my creation process. In first instance its about the action, emotion and intention not the result. My drive is fuelled by an automatic exploration, the need to balance negative and positive space resulting in surrealist depiction. Researching and establishing an ever expanding database of patterns, shapes, elements and forms. Combined with an admiration towards symbolism; a composition of basic lines and shapes, the difference in meaning decided by time and place.
Whilst exploring and immersing myself in different cultures I have created, found inspiration and motivation in Africa, Australia & Asia. In Cambodia I initiated and directed the construction and content of Otres Art Studio, a space designed to provoke creative contagion and collaboration. At this Studio I've practiced fine-tuned, shared and taught ‘Chaotism’ a way of creation. In these laboratory style collaborative sessions a mixture of materials and techniques are explored allowing expression in different layers and textures all inspiring and influencing one another.
In my work and personal style I prefer a minimalist approach towards colour. The first years of my painting practice I limited myself to black and white, with later on incorporating red as an extra colour. After years painting in B&W I deemed it necessary to explore full on colour usage. Influenced by Asian culture I’ve even accept gold and bronze as a part of the pallet. This acknowledgment of colour was needed to improve understanding of depth and shape. In my recent work Ive returned to grey- tones whilst still applying colours as a base layer.